Numbers of sample tested


Mice 18,727 5,954 1,435 11 68 26,195
Rats 1,819 1,124 39 4 7 2,993
Hamsters 53 70 5 0 0 128
Guinea pigs 139 44 10 10 0 203
Rabbits 84 447 114 330 50 1,025
Common marmosets 30 2 323 0 0 355
Cells         1,460 1,460
Total 20,852 7,641 1,926 355 1,585 32,359

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 18,137 6,465 1,576 21 329 26,528
Rats 1,821 1,137 14 10 36 3,018
Hamsters 43 73 0 0 0 116
Guinea pigs 142 41 8 58 0 249
Rabbits 91 211 47 62 50 461
Common marmosets 14 5 261 0 34 314
Cells         1,808 1,808
Total 20,248 7,932 1,906 151 2,257 32,494

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 17,308 8,077 1,201 14 271 26,871
Rats 1,791 1,410 82 0 12 3,295
Hamsters 31 52 0 0 0 83
Guinea pigs 155 57 38 40 0 290
Rabbits 91 349 61 321 55 877
Common marmosets 16 4 469 147 5 641
Cells         1,404 1,404
Total 19,392 9,949 1,851 522 1,747 33,461

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 17,315 7,301 1,536 32 457 26,641
Rats 1,924 1,403 134 0 89 3,550
Hamsters 25 43 6 0 2 76
Guinea pigs 162 46 0 78 0 286
Rabbits 180 263 38 53 64 598
Common marmosets 13 15 514 86 19 647
Cells         1,327 1,327
Total 19,619 9,071 2,228 249 1,958 33,125

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 18,001 7,919 1,454 89 834 28,297
Rats 2,234 1,954 88 8 111 4,395
Hamsters 14 35 2 0 2 53
Guinea pigs 184 83 0 84 1 352
Rabbits 195 486 56 250 61 1,048
Common marmosets 10 7 698 98 35 848
Cells         1,570 1,570
Total 20,638 10,484 2,298 529 2,614 36,563

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 18,085 8,105 1,764 201 507 28,662
Rats 2,386 2,067 68 5 68 4,594
Hamsters 9 37 0 0 0 46
Guinea pigs 187 100 5 90 0 382
Rabbits 197 232 31 32 55 547
Common marmosets 8 12 463 53 9 545
Cells         2,155 2,155
Total 20,872 10,553 2,331 381 2,794 36,931

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 17,758 8,156 1,319 357 243 27,833
Rats 2,212 2,010 157 0 142 4,521
Hamsters 6 38 0 0 0 44
Guinea pigs 167 101 45 90 0 403
Rabbits 217 327 36 75 27 682
Common marmosets 9 15 306 2 2 334
Cells         1,805 1,805
Media         5,098 5,098
Total 20,369 10,647 1,863 524 7,317 40,720

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 18,408 8,978 1,837 2 257 29,482
Rats 2,143 2,327 123 12 55 4,660
Hamsters 6 62 0 0 0 68
Guinea pigs 178 121 0 89 0 388
Rabbits 202 313 60 68 43 686
Common marmosets 11 4 528 0 0 543
Cells         2,241 2,241
Media         4,398 4,398
Total 20,948 11,805 2,548 171 6,994 42,466

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 20,877 9,123 1,019 9 443 31,471
Rats 1,881 2,382 47 0 74 4,384
Hamsters 16 31 0 0 0 47
Guinea pigs 169 107 0 104 9 389
Rabbits 158 378 107 91 251 985
Common marmosets 35 5 342 0 5 387
Cells         2,318 2,318
Media         4,599 4,599
Total 23,136 12,026 1,515 204 7,699 44,580

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 20,158 11,056 1,032 12 282 32,540
Rats 2,658 2,560 32 8 122 5,380
Hamsters 19 49 0 0 0 68
Guinea pigs 229 74 0 84 0 387
Rabbits 235 305 4 101 14 659
Common marmosets 12 5 300 0 16 333
Cells         1,697 1,697
Media         5,845 5,845
Total 23,311 14,049 1,368 205 7,976 46,909

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 19,991 10,552 661 0 368 31,572
Rats 2,316 2,269 26 5 77 4,693
Hamsters 48 55 0 0 0 103
Guinea pigs 221 72 38 77 0 408
Rabbits 244 252 101 101 12 710
Common marmosets 15 2 635 0 26 678
Cells         1,574 1,574
Media         5,473 5,473
Total 22,835 13,202 1,461 183 7,530 45,211

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 21,583 10,190 610 5 528 32,916
Rats 2,672 2,266 78 13 66 5,095
Hamsters 55 46 0 0 0 101
Guinea pigs 209 103 36 96 3 447
Rabbits 243 338 40 103 12 736
Common marmosets 35 11 1,108 2 14 1,170
Cells         1,507 1,507
Media         6,994 6,994
Total 24,797 12,954 1,872 219 9,124 48,966

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 18,946 9,162 548 15 379 29,050
Rats 2,595 1,823 34 14 35 4,501
Hamsters 67 30 0 0 0 97
Guinea pigs 172 76 22 48 1 319
Rabbits 203 321 73 101 0 698
Common marmosets 35 15 1,107 1 44 1,202
Cells         1,278 1,278
Media         7,315 7,315
Total 22,018 11,427 1,784 179 9,052 44,460

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 20,449 9,225 968 10 568 31,220
Rats 2,343 2,078 10 0 54 4,485
Hamsters 56 8 0 0 0 64
Guinea pigs 102 99 0 50 2 253
Rabbits 168 422 50 91 6 737
Common marmosets 1,174 98 671 0 78 2,021
Cells and media         5,963 5,963
Total 24,292 11,930 1,699 151 6,671 44,743

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.


Mice 11,611 4,190 87 53 270 16,211
Rats 2,407 2,311 0 0 1 4,719
Hamsters 161 0 0 0 0 161
Guinea pigs 221 96 3 3 0 323
Rabbits 151 114 4 3 0 272
Common marmosets 0 0 148 0 0 148
Cells and media         698 729
Total 14,577 6,716 242 59 969 22,563

*: Tissue samples, materials for environmental testing, etc.