April, 03
Update the results of microbiological monitoring in 2019.
Added optional items in Bacterial Identification test In ICLAS Monitoring center (BIIIM) .
Started orders of filamentous fungi in MALDI Quick.
Added new PCR testing items for virus of mice and rats (under Options) .


April, 26
Update the results of microbiological monitoring in 2018.


May, 23
Information on starting orders of sterility testing service for quality control of germ-free animals.
May, 23
The "Strain Check Program (Strain Checker)" based on the SNP database for inbred mice and rats using in ICLAS Monitoring Center has been released.
This program is available viewing the genetic profiles of inbred mice/rats and comparing your SNP profile with database.
April, 27
Update the results of microbiological monitoring in 2017.


April, 11
Update the results of microbiological monitoring in 2016.